6 May 2013

Free Pink Petticoat Stamps in Quick Cards Made Easy

Have you seen them? Don't you just love them? Your free Pink Petticoat 'Pretty Potties' Stamps & Paper Book in this month's issue of Quick Cards Made Easy (Issue 113).

If you haven't yet got yours, they are in the shops now. But I think you'll need to be quick because they are selling out fast. Or if they've already sold out where you are, like they have around here, then you might just like this ...

... I have 4 of them to give away! They are the complete package - the papers, the stamps and the fabulous magazine with all the wonderful ideas & inspirations, tips & tricks that we've come to expect from the lovely ladies at Quick Cards.

If you would like to win one of them, simply leave a comment below, here on the blog. Or on the Pink Petticoat Facebook page. I'll enter each comment into a draw and I'll select and announce the winners here on the blog on Friday, the 10th May.

Internationals are more than welcome to join in. And just one comment per person please!
Enjoy the Bank Holiday sunshine!

52 comments on Free Pink Petticoat Stamps in Quick Cards Made Easy

  1. Lovely giveaway - those stamps are so pretty - thanks for a chance to win xx

  2. Oooh, I didn't know you were in clear stamp format. Good for you. And I don't know that publication yet either. Thanks for the giveaway.

  3. Would love to win the prize. Cannot get crafting magazines where I live in Tenerife xXx

  4. Oh more giveaways thank you, will have to go find that mag.

    Wilma x x

  5. Adorable stamps, thanks for the chance to win!

  6. oh wow!!!! would love to win your stamps Liz, thanks for a chance :) xx

  7. I hadn't seen your Pretty Potties until your blog post today and I must say they are super fresh and adorable. I am excited to checkout the inspiration ideas in Quick Cards. Lots of happiness and I have to say I enjoy Pink Petticoat very much! Smiles, Elizabeth

  8. I'd love a chance to win these.

  9. I think it's so cool that you have stamps!!! Will you be making all your digi stamps into real stamps -- because I would buy them ALL!!!!

  10. oh...this is so exciting! Thank you for the chance to win this fabulous set.

  11. I hope I win a set! Fun stamps and papers! Looks like a great magazine but I don't think I've seen it available near me....
    I'd be thrilled to have a set of Pink Petticoat stamps! Love all your designs!

  12. I'm so delighted to see that internationals are welcome to join in as I don't often get the chance to participate in fun giveaways. Thanks so much Liz. I would love to win a copy. xx

  13. Fabulous stamps, love all your designs. Would love the chance to win. Thank you.
    Pam G

  14. how exciting! your magazines are hard for me to find here in my little area where I live in the States. would love to win a copy. so happy you are published in this issue! :)

  15. Lovely sunny flowers for the lovely sunny weather we have today. Would love to win this give-away but if not I'm off to the shops to hunt this magazine down. Thanks for the chance to win Liz.

    Sue X

  16. such lovely stamp images! thanks for offering the giveaway! laura j

  17. Thanks for the chance to win a mag........ Sue x

  18. What a lovely giveaway! I love the stamps!
    I usually buy your digital stamps.

  19. Oh what cute and pretty stamps! I would love to throw my hat into the ring as I'm a bit under the weather and know that by the time I'm able to venture out, all the mags will have vanished and no wonder!!! lol xx

  20. Thank you for the chance of winning the mag. The stamps look gorgeous and would prove to be very useful for allsorts of occasions.

  21. One of my all time favourite magazines...I seldom can find it here in Canada. Thank you for the chance to possibly win one! Cheers

  22. I would love these gorgeous stamps, thanks for the chance to win them Liz. Pat x

  23. This is one of my all time favourite magazines. It is so difficult to find here in Canada. Thank you for the chance to possibly win one.

  24. OOoh, what cute stamps!! Just the thing to brighten up a day!

  25. I would love the opportunity to win some of your images in rubbah. I have tried in 3 places to buy this magazine, used to subscribe to it a long time ago but this has got to be one of the best free gifts an a magazine for a long time :)

    Thanks for the opportunity.

    Love Mandy xxx

  26. Oh these look so lovely...thank you for the opportunity to win them!

  27. Oh wow Liz thank you for a chance to take part in your lovely giveaway those stamps look amazing and l am so thankful for the chance to take part xx

  28. Fabulous as always. Would love the chance to win these. Thanks. xxx

  29. Wow Liz! That's fabulous and exciting news for your stamps to be included in the magazine!!! I would LOVE to give these a good home :) Thank you ♥

  30. These stamps are gorgeous Liz and would love a chance to win them.
    Hugs Sharon. x

  31. Hi Liz, those stamps look so pretty and yes I would love to go in the hat please. Thank you lolo x

  32. Love it when magazines actually have a "free gift" that is worth having and stamps and papers by you are definitely worth having.

  33. Adorable stamps!!! I would love to win these. Thanks for the opportunity!

  34. Adorable stamps!!!! I would love to win these. Thanks for the opportunity!

  35. Thanks for the chance to win! Such cute stamps! blessings, La Vonne

  36. Those are adorable stamps! Thank you for a chance to win a copy of the magazine.

  37. Love those stamps...Would love to add these to my collection. Thank you.

  38. Many thanks for your generous offer - and for including Internationals!

  39. Very pretty stamps - thanks for the giveaway.

  40. Very pretty stamps - thanks for the giveaway.

  41. Would love to win .Thank you for the chance x

  42. Those stamps are soo cute! I'd love to have them.

  43. Hi Liz, I would love the chance to win the magazine with your lovely stamps. I can't get one anywhere.
    Thanks, Julie xx.

  44. Beautiful Stamps. A little piece of summer even thou the sun may not be shining!!x Gorgeous. Kelly c

  45. Have tried to buy in my area but sold out Sooooooooooooo would love to win one love silv xxxx

  46. Oooh! Thank you for the opportunity, as they have indeed sold out around here, and this was one I was really looking out for!
    Margaret C

  47. Gorgeous stamps, perfect for summer birthday cards, so pretty. Thanks for a chance to win. x

  48. I've been buying your digi stamps and papers for years and would love to try these clear stamps. I haven't seen that magazine here in Oz, but will make a point of looking for it. Keep up all your lovely products. I look forward to your new releases.

  49. What a fab gift. Love all your sets especially the new Father's Day set it's so on trend.
    from Liz

  50. Hi Liz - gorgeous stamps, and thank you for the chance to win such a fab. prize. I have lots of your paper downloads - some from several years ago (before you moved "down South)"!! Congratulations on your new stamp venture.
