17 December 2012

Glittered Pegs

Glittered pegs. I've made them to hang my Christmas cards this year. They're a sparkly little finishing detail to my Christmas decorations : )

They were ever so simple to make ...

... just apply PVA adhesive or wood glue to the sides of some mini wooden pegs & sprinkle with glitter.

I made mine in bulk, so I glittered one side of all my pegs, left them to dry for a couple of hours, then turned them over and glittered the other side.

If you leave the finished pegs a few days before using them, the adhesive will harden thoroughly and the glitter won't come off as you peg them to your cards. And they'll keep their prettiness.

I think they're very sweet : )

2 comments on Glittered Pegs

  1. What a wonderful idea and saves money too.

    Wilma x x

  2. Now that's an idea - off to glitter everything I can lay my hands on!!!

    Carolyn NZ
